New blog
As you might have guessed, I don't update this blog anymore. I now blog on It's A Good Thing. (tm)
I run around, gather all of the worthless junk and present it to you, the reader.
As you might have guessed, I don't update this blog anymore. I now blog on It's A Good Thing. (tm)
Here is something hopefully to make things more interesting
I've read a few things about the "$100 Laptop" and how it will approach the problem of poverty and illteracy in the third world. It is indeed a very altruistic initiative in its nature; I'm surprised at how they reduced the price of a laptop so low to something somewhat attainable by the poor.
I stumbled upon this blog post while browsing through one of the internet forums that I frequent. For those who are too lazy to click the link to find out what is contained inside, it's a "time capsuled" letter addressed to the blogger's two sons and how the mother wishes them to grow up to be refined men. I thought that it was a moving letter, even if I can't exactly relate to the blogger by any means.
Often when I go to Philippine cultural events, I always seem to find a large group of like dressed people (often tending toward FUBU) that always seem to make it known how much more Filipino they are compared to others around them. I'm not against people exclaiming their Filipino pride (in fact, I welcome any form of said pride), but when it turns into a dick measuring contest that is often measured by how many Rex Navarette lines they can spew out or by how many Filipino jokes they can tell over and over again, the whole thing transforms from a display of pride to a display of ego.
Fred Phelps, Westboro Baptist Church leader extraordinaire, decides to step over a fairly thick and defined line in order to protest soldiers' funerals in an agenda seemingly unrelated -- by a huge margin -- to the servicemen and women in the military.
What better to spend Valentine's Day on submitting homework that took hours upon hours of painstaking tedium to complete? Well... eh, perhaps that's just my own problem. But still, there are other reasons why Valentine's Day is HORRIBLY OVERRATED:
I'm not particularly fond of going around Downtown Seattle at midnight, but I am now kicking myself for not staying there longer tonight.
I stumbled upon this website while I was looking for various things on Wikipedia. It's a website filled with all sorts of FULL texts ranging from Shakespeare to Tolstoy to Chomsky.
V for Vendetta.