Sunday, February 05, 2006

Mission Statement

I figure that most blogs have a well defined, yet implicit mission statement behind the creation of the blog. Maybe this blog does too, although there's a few things that I want to explicitly clarify before proceeding to post various amounts of opinionated babble in the coming weeks.

Ephemera of all sorts will be presented to you in the form of various news stories, opinions leaning heavily toward "moderate and generally apathetic," and most importantly, a good dose of humor and wit.

I do care about politics, but not to the point of actually knowing what's going on in current world affairs.

I love music almost too much; I will occasionally post reviews of various albums that I have thoroughly enjoyed as well as reviews on albums that I may think of as utter trash. While I'm talking about reviewing music, I might as well come up with an improvised point system that will (hopefully) demolish five stars/ten points/2 thumbs up rating systems. It will be an eight point scale, 1 being worst, 8 being absolutely great. I'm hoping that reviewers will adopt this revolutionary point system in the near future.

I won't cry my black emo heart all over this blog.

I also won't stroke my ego endlessly through my blog posts.

There's nothing much more to say in this dry introduction. Tally ho.


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